Two Reviews

Today I have two reviews for you, my minuscule list of regular readers, both fresh from the deeply buried vaults of the Reynolds Files.  One book, one movie.  Bet you can guess the movie. Star Wars:  The Force Awakens Excellent.  Top notch entertainment.  Returns to a “smaller is better” ideal, with strong characters, good acting,…

2016 Resolutions

This post features an image of my new typewriter.  Ain’t she spanking good?  I’ll spend Christmas break taking it apart and cleaning it up and look forward to using it when possible. It’s never to early for New Year’s resolutions.  I generally try not to make too many, we should have goals of self-improvement year…

Fame and Fortune

I sometimes wonder if I missed my time.  Most of my favorite authors started writing when they were younger, not ditching the dream until they were solidly middle aged to pursue it, hanging on with dogged determination until they finally broke through.  Granted, many more authors started when they were young and clung tenaciously to…

Socially Media

Clearly I have been remiss in blogging.  I am equally as remiss on twittering, or tweeting, or whatever you want to call the platform I will henceforth refer to as micro-chat.  Seriously, how can anyone say anything useful in 140 characters?  Most of the time I see people post, and post, and post again to…