Literally Literary

Taking a pause from consuming vast quantities of food to consider the concept of literary fiction versus genre fiction, and shake my head sadly at the fools who continue to act as though there is a big difference and that literary is massively superior in some way. As it happened, someone decided to post on…

Writer’s Block Party

I’m not going to watch the news, I’m not going to watch the news.  Seriously, the events of the last few days are exactly why I no longer watch the news anymore, why I listen to books in CD in the car, etc.  The ridiculous fear mongering and panic from vocal idiots just pisses me…

I love Paris in the Spring Time

It’s the 5 million pound elephant in the room.  What happened in Paris last Friday.  The brutal attacks and violence.  And watching the many reactions to it, I’m absolutely dumbfounded and pissed off at how many American conservatives are screaming bloody murder and want to mire us in yet another long war against a group…

The Award from the Academy Goes To…

It is every author’s dream to receive awards for their work.  Or at least oodles of money.  I could go either way, though both would be preferable.  How about we combine them, a Hugo Award for best Novel of the year, and massive amounts of sales for the same work, including a Hollywood movie starring…

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt

Ah, rejection.  You bitch.  I loathe thee, even as I’ve learned to be more tolerant of your existence.  It took me damn long enough, but I still feel your claws tearing at my heart when you come bouncing into the room, all smiles and giggles, tugging at my clothing as you lean close to breath…

National Kicking Back and Taking it Easy Month

It’s NaNoWriMo time, and the forums and chat waves are rife with writers who plan to finish their masterpiece novel of American literature in thirty short days.  I’ve done National Novel Writers Month myself and found it… generated mixed results for me. The positive:  I wrote a novel!  Yeah me!  I write my 50,000 word…