Mini Me

In which I provide many short reviews and thoughts on topics. No, I’m not writing about the Austin Powers series of movies. Nor about the character of Mini Me. You can’t make me and that’s just how I roll. Instead, I’m going to write some short little pieces about different aspects of media that I’ve…

October, 2018, Report

I didn’t blog much in October it seems. Or at all. Well, that’s fine, no one actually reads these things. I write them because I want to, not because I have an audience or a platform. That means that until I have at least a small number of the former, these will remain irregular and…

The First (Review)

I’d heard some rumors of good things coming out of the new series, The First, which is now streaming on Hulu. I’ve found most Hulu original series to be pretty decent (we’ve enjoyed Castle Rock and The Handmaid’s Tale, although the latter is so full of existential dread that at times we struggle to get…

Compelling Characters

I’ve seen these discussions before revolving around what makes a character compelling. For the most part, it seems obvious. The audience has a connection with the character, can see a vague reflection of themselves in it. Or maybe they see a person they like and want to be, or would like to know. Even “evil”…


I’ll get back to my thread about FerenGOP profits later, but right now I want to talk about another topic (which, I’m sure you, my three readers, are happy to learn is NOT about politics). I went for a bike ride yesterday after spending a half hour fixing my front brake. New bike, brake already…