To Say Nothing of the Dog (audiobook) – Review

I mince no words about my love for Connie Willis’ writing. Ever since I discovered her collection of short stories, Impossible Things, I’ve been an admirer of her prose. She has a remarkable way of drawing you into a story, and can write in a variety of forms, whether suspenseful drama or comedic slapdash. Doomsday…

For the People

Bear with me, because this post might go a lot of different ways. I’m not sure yet how it’s going to turn out. What I am sure about is I need to get these thoughts down and share them. We are going through a rough time in America right now. This struggle really began back…

Ode to a Bannon

Totally not the type of writing I should be doing (I did that, too, though), but the whole Bannon/Trump fight is amusing the fuck out of me. Especially since it’s clear Trump has condemned the book as “fake” while still believing everything it says Bannon says and is trashing him mercilessly on Twitter. And Bannon…